This is first-rate business advisory, but not as you know it!

Think Big 4 expertise but more personal, flexible and suited to your business needs.

Wellwards offers first-rate financial strategy that i tailored to your business.

Our Services

Searcher Support

The life of an aspiring entrepreneur can be daunting, you are expected to wear many hats and solve all the problems. 

At Wellwards, we aim to simplify the process by providing you with a support network you can lean on to assist with financial queries and questions. The searcher support is a one-of-kind offering where you are provided a dedicated financial professional that can cut through the noise and provide you with industry specific benchmarks and questions to ask the seller.

Financial Reviews: We provide a rapid, comprehensive review of potential businesses' financials, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • Initial Evaluation: We perform a quick scan of your potential acquisition targets based on available financial data.

  • Comparative Analysis: We assess the businesses in your search pool relative to each other, helping you understand the pros and cons of each.

Lite Due Diligence: Our expert team will dissect the key financial aspects of your chosen business.

  • Financial Analysis: Review of profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements to identify possible areas of concern.

  • High-Level Risks Identification: Early detection of any potential red flags or deal breakers.

  • Question time: Provide you with a list of key questions to discuss with the seller.

Sounding Board: We offer dedicated support throughout your acquisition journey.

  • Advisory: Benefit from our extensive experience, getting your queries answered promptly.

  • Strategy: We help in refining your acquisition strategy, ensuring it aligns with your overall business goals.

Wellwards can act as your business search fund adviser.

Acquisition Support

Once you have settled on the business you are looking to acquire, we are able to provide advice and support to guide you through the purchase process and due diligence.

We understand that not all businesses are the same and not all buyer risks are the same. As such, we have created a flexible tax and financial due diligence that is not only affordable but applicable to your needs. During this check we lean on our knowledge from the searcher support to streamline everything and ensure we focus our energy on the areas of most risk.

Phase 1 : Understanding the business and red flags - We'll take a deep dive into all tax and financial data to ensure transparency.

  • Detailed Review: Examination of financial statements, tax returns, business activity statements, and more.

  • Red Flags Identification: Early detection of any issues that might impact the acquisition price or overall feasibility.

Phase 2: Analysis and Reporting - We provide detailed insights based on your specific needs.

  • Customized Analysis: Detailed Quality of Earnings (QoE) analysis, COGS analysis, 3-year P&L assessment, and tax DD based on requirements.

  • Growth and Risk Assessment: Evaluation of past and future growth rates, customer concentration risks, COGS, and OPEX commentary, and cashflow analysis for seasonality factors.

  • Working Capital Analysis: Review of historical working capital figures and preparing a normalised calculation to use in the sale.

  • Proof of cash: Review of bank accounts and reconcile to physical transactions to provide comfort of the transactions disclosed.

We get you ready to sell your business with all of the necessary reports to attract the right buyers at the best prices.

Operational Support

You have bought the business and are now getting your feet under the desk. This service has been designed to provide real time support to assist in your learning and getting your accounts in order.

We make sense of the numbers and provide you with sophisticated reporting so you can feel comfortable in the direction of your business and investors feel confident about operations.

Management Reporting: We offer comprehensive and actionable reporting.

  • Detailed Reporting: Regular reports for management and board detailing financial performance.

  • Performance Interpretation: Expert analysis and interpretation of financial data to support decision making.

  • Consistency: We aim to apply the same accounting practices across all businesses, so the reporting framework is consistent. 

Financial Modelling: We empower your financial management with robust modelling.

  • Future-Proofing: Cashflow, budgeting, and forecasting services that anticipate your business' future needs.

  • ROI Assessments: Detailed return on investment calculations to facilitate strategic decision-making.

CFO Pulse: A tool designed to identify areas of improvement and potential growth.

  • Questionnaire: A comprehensive survey to analyse every aspect of your business .

  • System Review: Thorough examination of your current systems to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

  • Post- Pulse Check: We provide a summary of our findings, recommendations and implementation steps.

We provide you with sophisticated reporting and detailed financial analysis so that you can scale your business sustainably.

Exit Support

We get you ready to sell with all of the necessary documentation required to attract prospective buyers at the best price.

Whether you are in the early planning stages and looking to map out your exit strategy we will provide business assessments, market analysis and price advice.

Financial Risk Management: We provide proactive processes to assure potential buyers of your financial integrity.

  • Risk Assessment: Identification of potential financial risks that could impact your business valuation.

  • Risk Mitigation: Development of processes and documentation to minimise the impact of these risks.

Process Optimisation: We streamline your business operations to maximise value.

  • Process Mapping: Identification and documentation of key business processes.

  • Process Improvement: Identification of inefficiencies and implementation of enhancements to drive operational effectiveness.

Seller Support: We facilitate smooth transitions during exits.

  • Documentation: Gathering and organising of all critical documents required by potential buyers.

  • Adviser Interaction: We liaise with corporate advisers as needed, providing expert insights and clarification on questions they might have.

We provide accounting advice and have created one-of-a-kind tax and financial compliance checks that are affordable and effective.

Ready to get started?

Do you need a Scalable CFO?

The Wellwards Scalable CFO is for aspiring entrepreneurs, emerging business owners and SME CEOs.

At Wellwards, we help you navigate the complexities of running a business with support attuned to the needs of your company. 

Unlike traditional accounting firms or the larger corporates, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead we create customised strategies designed specifically to reach your business goals. 

Partnering with Wellwards

The Wellwards Scalable CFO service is for aspiring entrepreneurs, emerging business owners and SME CEOs wanting to get a clear picture of their financial position so they can make fully informed decisions about the future of their company.

Together, we’ll create a strategic vision for your business based on comprehensive financial analyses to drive sustainable growth for your company. Get in touch to see how we can help your business grow.

We work with business owners to set and accomplish ambitious business goals.

Scalable CFO FAQs

  • We go beyond basic accounting practice and act as interpreters of financial data, helping you get a clear picture of where and how your business is using money so you can make informed, high level decisions about your company. Our service is adaptable and no matter the size or complexity of the task at hand, we're ready to tackle it head-on, providing tailored solutions that align perfectly with your needs and goals.

  • We started Wellwards specifically to help new and aspiring business owners who are either priced out of high level financial insight or get very generic advice from the big corporates. We knew there was a better way to help business owners plan for sustainable growth than what already exists.

    Both William and Nathan have experience designing financial strategy across all stages of business growth including the startup phase which we believe is a crucial time to set your business up for success.

  • There is a lot that goes into the process of searching for and acquiring an existing business. We have created a one-of-a-kind tax and financial compliance check that is not only affordable but appropriate so you feel confident in finding and buying your dream business.